‘Polar Space’ exhibition
Polar Space, an exhibition featuring projects and models of future polar stations, will be open in the Seaplane Harbour from 10 March to 3 April 2016. The works on exhibit…
Stromka – Communities of Seaside City
Speaker: Maria Derlõš The Maritime Forum will be opened by Maria Derlõš, who will speak about Lasnaidee and other initiatives of the Urban Lab (Linnalabor) concerning modern urban communities. Later…
People of the Baltic Sea
Speaker: Tiit Kändler Our culture, appearance, existence, health and well-being have been deeply influenced by the sea. In consideration of this, we have provided the sea not only with pollution…
Animal Communities on Beaches of Tallinn Then and Now
Speaker: Aleksei Turovski This Maritime forum will be held outdoors! On the beaches of Tallinn, one may meet interesting creatures from the modern ecosystem as well as signs from hundreds…
Military Built Heritage between the Great Coastal Gate and the Seaplane Harbour
Speaker: Robert Treufeldt This Maritime forum will be held outdoors! Walking from the Great Coastal Gate, i.e. Fat Margaret tower, towards the Seaplane Harbour, we will talk about the military…
Urban Fisher’s Culture and Fisher’s Philosophy
Speaker: Vladislav Koržets This Maritime forum will be held outdoors! The hundreds of urban fishers in Tallinn: who are they and what do they think about? We will talk about…
The Changeful History of Paldiski: from Rågervik to Lahe
Speaker: Tiina Peil The city of Paldiski is well known and, at the same time, rather unknown, mysterious and, therefore even a bit scary, a place shaped by foreigners and…
What Have We Learned from Roald Amundsen’s and Robert Falcon Scott’s Race to the South Pole?
Geir Kløver (Norway) This autumn’s first Maritime Forum will be about the heritage of Scott and Amundsen and their role in the Antarctic exploration that followed. Geir Kløver is the…
Human Footprint in the Antarctic, or Why There Are No More Dogs in Antarctica
Andres Tarand and Jüri Martin (Estonia) The season’s first Maritime Forum in Estonian! We will talk about the effect of human activity in Antarctica: why is it prohibited to pee…