MM KAART is the Loyalty Card of the Estonian Maritime Museum.
The loyalty card allows you to visit Fat Margaret, and the Seaplane Harbor, including museum ships during their opening hours, an unlimited number of times within one year from the date of the registration.
The cardholder will enjoy everything that the most popular museum in Estonia has to offer: permanent exhibitions, seasonal exhibitions at the Seaplane Harbor, museum boats, free excursions, family Sundays, and other program events.
Welcome aboard to the Estonian Maritime Museum!
MM KAART for one
- Visit Fat Margaret, the Seaplane Harbor, and museum ships an unlimited number of times a year, participate for free in family Sundays and workshops
- Free admission to curatorial tours
- Discount 10% on paid guided tours and group programs
- Discount 10% at the Seaplane Harbor and Fat Margaret Museum Shops. For promotional code at our e-shop please contact: mmkaart@meremuuseum.ee
- 10% discount at Maru Café at the Seaplane Harbor and the Fat Margaret
- Free audio guide
- Two free gift cards for friends to visit Fat Margaret and Seaplane Harbor.
MM KAART for families
- Visit the Fat Margaret, the Seaplane Harbor, and museum ships an unlimited number of times a year, participate for free in family Sundays and workshops
- 10% off children’s birthday programs
- Discount of 10% and priority registration of the child in the city holidays camps
- Discount 10% on paid guided tours and group programs
- Discount 10% at the Seaplane Harbor and Fat Margaret Museum Shops. For promotional code at our e-shop please contact: mmkaart@meremuuseum.ee
- 10% discount at Maru Café at the Seaplane Harbor and the Fat Margaret
- Free audio guide
- Two free gift cards for friends to visit Fat Margaret and Seaplane Harbor.
MM KAART for one € 70, for a family € 100 (two adults and their children up to 18 years of age).
Discounted MM KAART (9-18-year-old high school and university students) 40 €.
The MM KAART is personal and is not transferable. The Card does not give you the right to attend special events at the museum free of charge. Terms and Conditions
The MM KAART is on sale at the Seaplane Harbor and Fat Margaret’s box office.
Contact: mmkaart@meremuuseum.ee