From March 1, the Maritime Museum is temporarily closed.
In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the Estonian Maritime Museum’s Fat Margaret and Seaplane Harbour are temporarily closed since March 1. Museum shops are also closed, but…
Exhibitions temporary closed from Dec 28th until Jan 17th
Due to restrictions concerning the spread of COVID-19, Fat Margaret and Seaplane Harbour are closed from 28th of December until 17th of January.
Krusenstern’s 250th birthday was celebrated
November 19 marked the 250th anniversary of the birth of Admiral Adam Johann von Krusenstern, a Baltic German explorer. Memorial events took place in Krusenstern’s last resting place in Tallinn…
The Maritime Museum invites submissions of best student research papers to a competition
This year, the Estonian Maritime Museum has launched their first competition of best research papers on Estonian maritime history. The deadline for submitting the student papers was extended to 15…
An exhibition on the oceans and the Baltic Sea was opened at the Seaplane Harbor
On October 17, the exhibitions “Unseen Oceans” from the American Museum of Natural History and “The Baltic Sea in the World Ocean” from the Estonian Maritime Museum were opened at…
Admiral Bellingshausen’s crew planted trees in Paldiski
Today, on 30 August 75 members of Admiral Bellingshausen‘s crew, accompanied by the President of the Republic Kersti Kaljulaid and the employees of Lääne-Harju Municipality, planted 106 park trees in…
Estonian Maritime Museum surprises visitors with 700 years old ship wreck
After two-years of renovation at the Great Costal Gate and Fat Margaret, the new permanent exhibition of the Estonian Maritime Museum will be reopen from November 29, 2019. The building…
Fat Margaret tower will open November 29th
Great news! The Museum and Visitor Centre of Fat Margaret will open soon, on November 29th. We start the opening campaign on November 29th at 10.00 and the museum stays…
Estonian Maritime Museum signed a contract for the renovation of Fat Margaret tower
The Estonian Maritime Museum signed a contract with Acres OÜ in the sum of 4,175,700 euros plus value added tax for the reconstruction and construction work of the building complex…
The renovation project of Fat Margaret received support from Enterprise Estonia
Enterprise Estonia (EAS) announced supporting the application of the Estonian Maritime Museum for adding a family-centred attraction to the building complex of Fat Margaret. EAS will allocate a total of…