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Estonia – the story of a ship

28.09.2024 – 30.03.2025

The ferry Estonia, which sailed under the Estonian flag starting from 1993, was the country’s largest and most beautiful passenger ship. Sharing her name with the passenger steamer that sailed on the same route before World War II, the ferry Estonia symbolised freedom, progress, and Western values for Estonians, which were not available to many at the time.

The story of the ship began in 1980, when the second largest ferry in the Baltic Sea left the shipyard of Meyer Werft in Papenburg and set sail on the Stockholm-Mariehamn-Turku route under the name Viking Sally. Later named Silja Star and Wasa King, she was a modern passenger ferry, featuring everything for a fun and entertaining stay. The exhibition also sheds light on the everyday life on board at the time. The commemorative exhibition of the Estonian Maritime Museum reveals the story of the ferry – her construction, different owners, furnishings, and everyday life – and places it in the wider context of the ferry traffic on the Baltic Sea.

The voyage of both the ferry and 852 passengers on board was cut short on the night of 28 September 1994. The loss of the Estonia is the most tragic peacetime maritime disaster in the Baltic Sea, and it remains a source of deep trauma in the souls of Estonians and Swedes to this day. The ship sank within just 30 minutes and only 137 of the 989 people on board survived.

The exhibition does not touch on the investigations to discover the causes of the shipwreck or the various legal aftermaths and processes, but culminates in an opportunity for quiet reflection and introspection.

The commemorative exhibition tells the story of the Estonia from beginning to end, with dignity and respect for everyone who has been touched by the story of the ship.


Curators: Teele Saar, Urmas Dresen

Consultants: Marje Braunbrück, Raivo Hellerma, Edward Johansson, Roland Lemendik, Bruce Peter, Siiri Same, Sigrid Tammes

Exhibition architecture, design and implementation: Pult OÜ, Bob & Doko (Erika Saks, Kristi Prinzmann, Aleksei Saks, Kristina Aruvee, Kersti Tuhkru)

Editing of the MS Estonia video: Orbital Vox Studios

Language editing: Hille Saluäär

Translation: Toimetaja tõlkebüroo

Preparation of exhibition items: Oksana Leontjeva

Installation of exhibition items: Villu Plink

Accessibility concept: Mihkel Karu

Jari Pärgma, Eesti Viipekeele Selts

Kerttu Rakke, Janek Muru

Artur Räpp, Kadi Kriit

Digital guide solutions: Karl Kipper

Transportation of exhibits from Finland and Sweden: KLG AS

Educational support programme: Helene Uppin, Kristel Bultot, Carmen Kõrvek

Public procurements: Maie Tooming

Technical solutions: Tõnis Veltman, Helina Torv, Valter Vaht

Project manager for marketing: Iris Tomson

Project manager: Anna-Liisa Õispuu

Exhibit items:

Ahvenamaa Meremuuseum, Elna Aun erakogu, Åbo Akademi merendusajaloo arhiiv, Marje Braunbrück erakogu, Andres Enula erakogu, Lars Karlssoni erakogu, Lasse Erikssoni Laevandusmuuseum, Anneli Mägi erakogu, Pohjanmaa Muuseum, Rootsi Meremuuseum, SA Eesti Meremuuseum, Sigrid Tammes erakogu, Vaasa Meremuuseum


Ahvenamaa Meremuuseum, Franz Erik Airimani erakogu, Elna Auna erakogu, Eesti Rahva Muuseum,, Anna Johanssoni erakogu, Lars Karlssoni erakogu, Joonas Kortelaineni erakogu, Cecilia Lundbergi erakogu, Museovirasto, Pohjanmaa Muuseum, Rootsi Meremuuseum, SA Eesti Meremuuseum, SA Virumaa Muuseumid, Vaasa Meremuuseum, Wellamo merekeskus, Madli Vitismani erakogu, Aron Urb, Urmas Luik/Pärnu Postimees, Lisete Laisaar, Rein Sikk, Argo Nurs

Video material:

Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Kanal 2 (Duo Media), Lars Karlssoni erakogu

Special thanks to

Susanna Allesson-Nyberg, Kairi Andersson, Mirja Arnshav, Inno Borodenko, Andres Eero, Lars-Erik Eriksson, Raul Ernes, Christa Grönlund, Hanna Hagmark, Ilona Hausmann, Päivi Hårdh, Kaj Höglund, Anna Johansson, Ain-Alar Juhanson, Sirpa Kantola-Pakkanen, Timo-Tapani Kunttu, MTÜ Memento Mare, Õnne Mets, Sari Mäenpää, Roomet Leiger, Rene Lemmik, Sander Jürisson, Ruth Ristimägi, Mirjam Mardi, Ants Ollis, Helvi Riihimäki, Kevin Raba, Märt Raudsepp, Tauri Roosipuu, Charlotta Ruotanen, Teijo Seppelin, Evelyn Silmet, Tarvi-Carlos Tuulik, Ilves Valta, Ann Virkus, Emilia Wall, Kasper Westerlund, Minna Öberg, Ilona Hausmann (ERR arhiiv), Jüri Pihel (Duo Media), Mari-Liis Veskus (Duo Media), Tiina Park


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