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Audio Tour

The Audio Tour is an exciting journey through the permanent exposition of the Seaplane Harbour, which tells tales from the depths of the sea and the skies above. Explore the museum on the Audio Tour and experience it as if you were in another world. Why is Lembit the most important exhibit in our museum? What are the accomplishments of our other main exhibits? What makes the seaplane hangar of the Seaplane Harbour unique? Come and discover and experience the museum in a new way.

The music of the audio journey was composed by Sten Sheripov. Attentive listeners may recognise his song ‘Allveelaev’ (‘Submarine’), which was featured in The Polar Boy, a film by Anu Aun.

The tour is narrated by

Tambet Tuisk in Estonian

Kirill Käro in Russian

Tommi Korpela in Finnish

Michael Haagensen in English

Kaspars Znotiņš in Latvian

Also available in French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.

Written by Krislin Kämärä (Estonian Maritime Museum) and Paul Piik.

The Audio Tour lasts for 40 minutes.

Cost of the Audio Tour is 5 €.

The audio content and instructions of the tour are played through headphones. Up to two visitors can use an audio guide simultaneously by connecting two sets of headphones with it. Audio guides can be used with your personal headphones.


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