{"id":30394,"date":"2022-10-24T08:32:19","date_gmt":"2022-10-24T06:32:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/meremuuseum.ee\/?p=30394"},"modified":"2022-10-24T10:53:53","modified_gmt":"2022-10-24T08:53:53","slug":"the-estonian-maritime-museum-rewards-theses-in-the-field-of-maritime-history","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/meremuuseum.ee\/en\/blog\/2022\/10\/24\/the-estonian-maritime-museum-rewards-theses-in-the-field-of-maritime-history\/","title":{"rendered":"The Estonian Maritime Museum rewards theses in the field of maritime history"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Alumni of higher education institutions whose thesis deals with Estonian maritime history are invited to apply for a financial prize of the Estonian Maritime Museum. They have to submit the thesis to the according competition by 5 February 2023.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2018There is still a lot left to research in the history of our country\u2019s maritime affairs. We will have more expected thesis if we will motivate to do them and also will recognize the work done. That is exactly why we encourage the students of universities and institutions of professional higher education to research Estonian maritime history and to apply for the prize of our museum with their completed thesis,\u2019 said Hele Kiimann<\/strong>, Head of Research at the Estonian Maritime Museum.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The winners of the prize are announced during the competition for the best theses in the field of maritime history, which was founded by the Estonian Maritime Museum. The prize fund is 2, 000 euros. The best theses are selected by an expert evaluation committee. The results are announced on the anniversary of the Estonian Maritime Museum \u2013 on 23 February of each year.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2018The initiative of the Maritime Museum values completed theses and motivates future thesis writers to research the topics of maritime history. From my own experience, I encourage to take part in the competition if the thesis is in any way linked to Estonian maritime history \u2013 for example, even a quite technical topic may also include an important part of the history of maritime affairs of Estonia,\u2019 said Tauri Roosipuu<\/strong>, who was awarded the main prize in the previous competition.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

This year, diploma\u00b4s, bachelor\u2019s and master\u2019s theses, which have been defended at an Estonian or foreign university within the last two years can be submitted to receive the award. The application together with the supervisor’s opinion must be sent to info@meremuuseum.ee by 5 February 2023<\/strong>. Additional information is available at the statute of the competition on the website of the Estonian Maritime Museum<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The Estonian Maritime Museum rewards theses in the field of maritime history for the third time already. During the first competition, special prizes were awarded to Artur Kaljurand<\/strong> for his thesis Engineers of the Estonian Navy 1919\u20131940 <\/em>defended at the Estonian Military Academy and Maria Velikanova<\/strong> for her bachelor\u2019s thesis P\u00e4rnu Laev public limited company and the development of tourism in the Republic of Estonia<\/em> defended at Tallinn University. Last year, when the competition was held for the second time, the main prize was awarded to Tauri Roosipuu<\/strong> for his master\u2019s thesis Comparison of previous investigations of MV Estonia in relation to new information<\/em> defended at the Estonian Maritime Academy and the special prize was awarded to Tuuli J\u00f5esaar<\/strong> for her master\u2019s thesis Methods of making medieval footwear on the example of the Kadriorg cog find complex <\/em>defended at the Viljandi Culture Academy.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
